Observation Blog
Take a walk around your neighborhood, or a different one, or imagine a walk you’ve done routinely. Take a count of every interaction with a sensor you see or experience. Blog your findings.
I was able to observe lots of sensors while walking through the city, in the meantime, the observation process reminded me of some sensors I didn’t realize before. All of the sensors I have uploaded including pushbuttons, rotary switches, analog sticks, infrared sensors, cameras, pressure sensors, smoke detectors, and ID access sensors. Some sensors give indications to people for example, buttons will light up when pressed or rotated, light colors change depending on positive or negative reactions, and the metro door will reopen when hit.
There are also several sensors that prefer not to be known like TOMÁS SARACENO’s, cameras inside the elevator…Most of the sensors may have the trigger threshold value, there will be multiple conspicuous reactions when users trigger the set point. However, some sensors send data to other devices which will not cause the user’s attention.
I also observed while some sensors are just switches which means there will only have two stages: on and off, a few sensors may have multiple(complex) interactions(stages) depending on how many times that user has triggered.
Rotary switches control the temperature of A/C.
Different game stages are based on the controller.
Volume according to the power(TOMÁS SARACENO).
Water yield depends on the time of pushing.