Final Project: Cube Player(Audio Visualization)
Users can flip the Cube Player to trigger different audiovisual scenes including basic audio information and cover, 3D character, particle system, matrix Chinese character rain, and lightning audio trail.
I combined TouchDesigner and Arduino Nano 33 IoT, using the serial port to send IMU data from Arduino to TouchDesigner.
I/O Assignment: Maze Game
Using a line tracking sensor to ask users to follow the path, with multiple sound effects combining TouchDesigner instead of buzzer. Also connect the accelerometer I have used before to detect cheating behavior. (I cheated) So I decided to use my old MKR1000 and MPU6050 again.
Labs 2: Asynchronous Serial Communications
I used to try serial communication between Arduino and Python, connecting p5js is a new challenge for me. I followed the process step by step even sometimes may have a few problems such as forgetting to end the p5js program and trying to update the Arduino sketches. The code is super advanced and needs a lot of time to follow.
Labs1: Digital Input and Output
After two months of break, I am picking up my “physical computing“ again! Because of the amazing amazon delivery, my Nano is still in transit, so I decide to use my old Uno. The exercise was pretty fun, and I combined LED, buzzer, and buttons together for testing.
Observation Blog
I was able to observe lots of sensors while walking through the city, in the meantime, the observation process reminded me of some sensors I didn’t realize before.