Final Project: Cube Player(Audio Visualization)
Inspired by STEMPLAYER, I try to create a VJ Player which could be controlled according to the direction of rotation. Users can flip the Cube Player to trigger different audiovisual scenes including basic audio information and cover, 3D character, particle system, matrix Chinese character rain, and lightning audio trail.
I combined TouchDesigner and Arduino Nano 33 IoT, using the serial port to send IMU data from Arduino to TouchDesigner. I also designed and 3D printed a cube case to decorate the player but according to the limited material, I couldn’t get the transparent filament, so I didn’t add an LED strip inside.
As for the TD part, I was inspired and referenced by several outstanding YouTubers such as bileam tschepe (elekktronaut), PPPANIK, otodojo, and Noto The Talking Ball. I followed their tutorials and also created my own pieces.
Arduino Nano 33 IoT
Black PLA filament
Arduino Code:
Install Arduino_LSM6DS3 Library by Arduino, read acceleration and serial print.
3D Model and Print:
TouchDesigner Pages Overview:
I created five containers to separate different scenes in order to optimize CPU, GPU and FPS rates. As for the audio analysis part, I use several technics to separate bass, drums, and samples.