I/O Assignment: Maze Game


Come up with a simple application using digital and/or analog input and output to a microcontroller. Make a device that allows a person to control light, sound, or movement using the components you’ve learned about (e.g. LEDs, speakers, servomotors).
Build the prototype circuit and document the interaction with video. In the blog post show your plan, if you have a system diagram and a schematic drawing of the circuit, please include it.


My first idea was to create the air visualization project using a gas sensor, however, I couldn’t find the sensor in my trash can, and the only thing I found that related to air/gas was the temperature and humidity sensor(DHT11), but it didn’t achieve my expectation. And then I tried to use KY-008 Laser Module but still not working.

I looked around my trash can and found the tracking sensor. Thanks to Fungineers sharing the Line Tracking Sensor - 5min Tutorials video, I came up with the idea to create the maze game: using a line tracking sensor to ask users to follow the path, with multiple sound effects combining TouchDesigner instead of buzzer. Probably can also connect the accelerometer I have used before to detect cheating behavior. (I cheated) So I decided to use my old MKR1000 and MPU6050 again. Old project here

I tested it on my UNO board and it worked well, successfully got data from the serial monitor. When I switched to MKR1000, the tracking sensor couldn’t get any data, I tried to figure it out but still wasted an hour. Shout out to David and Brian who helped save me lots of time!

After finishing the circuit, I decided to create the visual and audio effects using TD. As a game, I want to add multiple pages and buttons at first, however, because of the limited time I just added time countdown, cheating behavior detection, end-of-game cheers, and tracking notice instead.



IR tracking sensor setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er_i-MaEoKU
Audio visual effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRaNtxtQ9XA
Audio file: https://mixkit.co/ & José González - Stay Alive
Gesture detection using Arduino: https://suirunzhao.com/physical-computing/gesture-detection-using-arduino-mkr1000-mpu6050-and-touchdesigner


How can I connect NYU wifi which has double verification, I couldn’t figure out how to input username and password after the 1st password?


Final Project: Cube Player(Audio Visualization)


Labs 2: Asynchronous Serial Communications