Labs 2: Asynchronous Serial Communications


The Labs’ guidances are super clear and easy to follow:

I used to try serial communication between Arduino and Python, connecting p5js is a new challenge for me. I followed the process step by step even sometimes may have a few problems such as forgetting to end the p5js program and trying to update the Arduino sketches. The code is super advanced and needs a lot of time to follow. I love the checklist so I copy and paste here just in case I forget the steps in the future.

In the HTML file, include the p5.webserial library

  • In the global variables of the sketch,

    • make a new instance of the library

    • include a port selector button or some way to invoke the serial port chooser dialogue box

  • In the setup:

    • Make sure WebSerial is supported in this browser

    • Include a call to serial.getPorts() to check for available ports.

    • include serial.on() listeners for these events:

      • noport

      • portavailable

      • data

      • close

      • requesterror

    • include navigator listeners for connect and disconnect

  • Define handler functions for all of the events above. Most of these can be simple alerts or console.log messages

  • *Customize the function that responds to the data listener (usually called serialEvent() in these examples), as you’ll see below.

  • *Decide when and how you’ll send serial data out, as you’ll see in the other p5.webserial labs.


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